07 August 2011

Nurnberg, Germany: A Cute Little City

One of the first things we found in this delightful little town was delicious German food!  We both had local specialties (and local beer!).

Nurnberg, an old walled city whose castle dates from the 13th century, is probably most famous for the post-WWII trials.  However, unbeknownst to me until today, having the trials in Nurnberg was not a mistake; there is a colossal hall here that Hitler used to use for rallies, so the Allies though it was 'poetic justice' to have the trials in the same location.  In either case, the city still retains much of its old Bavarian charm, with many pretty buildings, roads, and squares.

As is requisite for any castle city, we climbed the hill, and wandered around the gardens and bastions.  Behind us you can see a view of Nurnberg from one of the castle walls--it was one of the 'high points' of our day :-)


grandma feldt said...

So much history ! Had jamianns party at the lake tonight, missed you but will celebrate both your bdays in Paris. Love ya

linda feldt said...

Hey Kate, Tell Katherine hi from me. Thought of you while swimming in LAKE MICHIGAN today. Not quite as scenic as Nurnberg castle but very refreshing. Down to 67 degrees. Miss you. Love & Prayers mom